
Herstaco & transport

Herstaco has got some basic rules regarding loading and unloading on our premises.

With clear rules, it is clear to everyone what they have to do and what is expected. What we expect from drivers and their means of transport is explained below. If you would like to know more, click on ‘contact’ below and fill in the contact form or contact Herstaco by phone.

Herstaco loading reference

All truck drivers must provide a Herstaco Loading Reference upon arrival.

The order confirmation shows a four-digit order number starting with a # (e.g. #1234). The Herstaco order number is similar to the load reference.

Always provide this reference to your forwarder.

Planning of transport

Trucks must be announced by e-mail to the sales department no later than 2 days before loading.

Herstaco delivers tubes ex works to customers. This means that customers arrange their own transport to pick up the purchased pipes. Click on the link below for more information on transport.

Quality and material of trucks

Open trailers are preferred and should be fitted with sufficient steel stanchions.

If the cargo requires wooden beams to support the pipes, the wood must be provided by the truck driver. If there is no wood present on the trailer and we have to use our wood, the cost will always be charged to the customer. If we judge that a trailer is unsafe to load, Herstaco reserves the right to refuse the load.

Open v.s. closed trailers

The use of open trailers is preferred, as tautliners are less suitable for transporting steel pipes.

Tautliners are more difficult to load and it is not always possible to load against the front end. If we load with a crane, we need to leave enough space between the end and the tubes to be able to loosen the tube hooks.

Semi loaded trucks upon arrival

Customers may use semi loaded trailers.

If Herstaco needs to offload and reload the goods due to size or weight issues, we will charge extra for this time and wood if required. Think loading time or cost of any materials to be used.


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